Read The Rotation Diet Revised and Updated Edition Martin Katahn PhD 8601404771064 Books

Read The Rotation Diet Revised and Updated Edition Martin Katahn PhD 8601404771064 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 288 pages
  • Publisher W. W. Norton & Company; Revised and Updated edition (January 2, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0393341313

The Rotation Diet Revised and Updated Edition Martin Katahn PhD 8601404771064 Books Reviews

  • This is the only diet I've ever been able to stick to for any length of time. About five years ago I lost around 50 pounds using "The Rotation Diet." I lost over 60 total, but the first 13 were on Weight Watchers, which I quickly grew tired of. No getting tired of The Rotation Diet because you're never on it more than three weeks at a time, and you're never more than four days away from being able to eat more than you did today.

    I will recommend some tips, since I've done this program several times now

    - I did lose too much muscle in the long run... I kind of looked a bit skeletal in the face as I approached my goal wait, and a few friends told me I looked too skinny, despite my still having a slight paunch. For that reason I actually recommend that you add 300 calories a day to each rotation. So for men that would be a 1500/1800/2100 cycle, and for women it would mean following the current men's cycle at 1200/1500/1800. If you don't add any calories to the first rotation, then I'd recommend it by the third one.
    - I think I went through ten to twelve rotations before I reached my goal weight... weight loss WILL slow with each rotation. It's just a fact of life on all diets that the less you have remaining to lose, the slower it comes off.
    - You don't have to follow any of the recipes in the book -- I never did. Just make sure you count calories and eat within 50 calories of your total each day, and...
    - Make sure you get PLENTY of protein, at least double the RDA per day. This will help prevent muscle loss.
    - In your week (or more) off, you've GOT to keep the exercise going, and in fact I'd ramp it up.
    - I also recommend ramping up the exercise during your higher-calorie "middle" week... try burning 300 to 400 calories through exercise on the middle week rather than the recommended 200. (Because I found that after the first couple of rotations, I wasn't losing at ALL during the "up" week and sometimes even gained a pound!)
    - Heed the author's warning about gradually upping your calories when you've finished your three-week rotation or you will gain back FAST.

    As another reviewer said, the first three days are very difficult (I always found it easier to go as long as possible without eating in the morning), but after those first three days, just 300 more calories a day will seem like plenty, and your middle higher calorie week will seem like a feast!
  • I have been on the program 1 week and I've lost nearly 9 pounds the 1st week!!!

    I bought the book because I want to truly embrace and understand the principles (which are solid!!), but I followed my own program because I'm a Vegan and because I like to eat a certain way (I don't feel our bodies need complex carbs at night). So I put together my own program with a database and cannot believe the success so far. If you're going to do it this way, you need to match the calories EXACTLY to have success. Condiments, coffee creamer... they all add up and need to be included, which is what I did! I would recommend this diet to anyone who is looking for a quick boost to get some momentum. I have 33 pounds to lose so knowing I've already lost nearly 1/3 of my goal in 1 week is pretty amazing. It will be hard to take that "break" but how we get ourselves in trouble is trying to do things our own way. And a break makes sense. So I will take it after the 3 week mark. I recommend this program wholeheartedly!
  • Love this diet. You eat normal foods, not just salads all day. First week you do a 600/900 cals. First 3 days 600 cals then the other 4 days 900 cals. Then the next week 1200 cals. If you are a woman. Men get to eat more. Then you repeat for another 2 weeks. Then you stop diet and just eat a 1200 or 1500 cal diet for a few weeks. Then if you have more to lose you do the rotation again. You can lose up to 1 lb a day on the rotation. Each person is different so how much you lose maybe different. I also have the Rotation Diet recipe book. My book has fallen apart from use. Now have a copy on my kindle. I like the book better cause it is easier to find what I need flipping the pages then it is on my reader.
  • Update Down 10. Feel great! With all diets, it is up to you to do the work but this is an excellent and improved diet plan. Following it closely, I have lost 3 pounds in 3 days, It is clean eating of whole foods and portion control. I love the fact that there is a simple program and menu to follow and a maintenance program to keep the weight off.
  • This diet is amazing, Easy to follow, realistic recipes for success. Did it for the requested amount of time and lost 6lbs, Keep in mind I was only 130lb's to start, and wanted to drop fat, now I weigh in at 124lbs. Never felt hungry during this diet either, but I'm not saying it's easy to consume 600 calories a day for the first 3 days. At least give it a shot.
  • I use this diet when I need to shed some pounds. It takes planning but it really works!!!!! I have this book as an e~book but I decided to order a new real book. My first book was a paper back that I bought in the 1990's when a friend told me about this diet & we did the diet together for support. I was happy to find this current book on in a hard cover.
  • This is a great and painless way to lose up to 10 lbs in two weeks and more if you strictly follow the menu plan longer. Each day's three meal menus are there to use so you don't have to think about "what can I eat now?" There are also recipes that I use even when we're not doing the diet thing. My original book is falling apart and I was delighted to see that "really prime" used copies were still available. My husband and I go on this diet together and neither one of us gets bored with what we can eat and like the end result.
  • I followed this diet back in the 80's and had success with it. The original alternate fasting diet.
    I've lost track of my book from decades ago. Glad to replace it with this updated version.
