PDF Curing Courtney Doctors Couldn't Save HerSo Her Mom Did Denise Gabay Otten Lynn Doyle Dr Burton Berkson Bernie Siegel MD 9780988646117 Books

PDF Curing Courtney Doctors Couldn't Save HerSo Her Mom Did Denise Gabay Otten Lynn Doyle Dr Burton Berkson Bernie Siegel MD 9780988646117 Books

Download As PDF : Curing Courtney Doctors Couldn't Save HerSo Her Mom Did Denise Gabay Otten Lynn Doyle Dr Burton Berkson Bernie Siegel MD 9780988646117 Books

Download PDF Curing Courtney Doctors Couldn&#39t Save HerSo Her Mom Did Denise Gabay Otten Lynn Doyle Dr Burton Berkson Bernie Siegel MD 9780988646117 Books

Curing Courtney is the empowering true story of a mother and daughter’s triumph over the deadly autoimmune hepatitis that threatened to take the life of 7-year-old Courtney. After five years of treatment by some of the best pediatric hepatologists in New York City, the doctors told Courtney’s mom, “The meds aren’t working.” The next step for 12-year-old Courtney was a leukemia-type drug and a possible liver transplant. Frustrated and angry that the doctors had stolen Courtney’s childhood with their standard protocol that failed and the side-effects of high doses of prednisone which made little Courtney overweight and excessively hairy, Denise Otten took it upon herself to find an alternative treatment. Thanks to scientifically proven nutraceuticals and vitamins, plus a baseball autographed by Yankees star Derek Jeter, Courtney went into remission in a matter of months and is now a slim, beautiful, teenage athlete.

PDF Curing Courtney Doctors Couldn't Save HerSo Her Mom Did Denise Gabay Otten Lynn Doyle Dr Burton Berkson Bernie Siegel MD 9780988646117 Books

"Becuase of this book I do not take any medication, I went from 600s level to 100s. I could be doing better but being a fully online student with a part time job I have a limited buget and busy life so something I forget to take the vitamins. I learn so much with this book."

Product details

  • Paperback 198 pages
  • Publisher Denise Otten Health & Wellness (December 11, 2012)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0988646110

Read Curing Courtney Doctors Couldn&#39t Save HerSo Her Mom Did Denise Gabay Otten Lynn Doyle Dr Burton Berkson Bernie Siegel MD 9780988646117 Books

Tags : Curing Courtney Doctors Couldn't Save Her...So Her Mom Did [Denise Gabay Otten, Lynn Doyle, Dr. Burton Berkson, Bernie Siegel M.D.] on . Curing Courtney is the empowering true story of a mother and daughter’s triumph over the deadly autoimmune hepatitis that threatened to take the life of 7-year-old Courtney. After five years of treatment by some of the best pediatric hepatologists in New York City,Denise Gabay Otten, Lynn Doyle, Dr. Burton Berkson, Bernie Siegel M.D.,Curing Courtney Doctors Couldn't Save Her...So Her Mom Did,Denise Otten Health Wellness,0988646110,Alternative Therapies,Diet Nutrition - Nutrition,Diet / Health / Fitness,Diets dieting,Diseases - Immune Autoimmune,HEALTH FITNESS / Diet Nutrition / Nutrition,Health Fitness / Nutrition,Health Fitness Alternative Therapies,Health Fitness Diseases - Immune System,Health Fitness/Alternative Therapies,Health Fitness/Diseases - Immune Autoimmune,HEALTH FITNESS / Alternative Therapies

Curing Courtney Doctors Couldn't Save HerSo Her Mom Did Denise Gabay Otten Lynn Doyle Dr Burton Berkson Bernie Siegel MD 9780988646117 Books Reviews :

Curing Courtney Doctors Couldn't Save HerSo Her Mom Did Denise Gabay Otten Lynn Doyle Dr Burton Berkson Bernie Siegel MD 9780988646117 Books Reviews

  • Courtney's story is also my story. I was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis 5 years ago and decided that I would do everything within my power to heal myself naturally. My hepatologist/gastroenterologist at the time was furious that I would dare go against his prescription of prednisone and imuran (those meds were destroying my body) and seek natural remedies. Removing foods that I was sensitive to (gluten and soy) from my diet, using vitamin D3 and other vitamins, milk thistle, alpha-lipoic acid and low dose naltrexone (LDN) saved me. I am a very healthy and energetic middle-aged woman today with no signs of the autoimmune disease. Folks, do not listen to your doctors when they say that there is no cure for autoimmune illnesses. Please read the book "Honest Medicine".
  • I got this book and read it in one night. Not worth the $15. Summary - Mom is angry and upset over diagnosis. Mom is very important Wall Street person. Mom screams at doctors. Mom researches alternative medicine. The info anyone with autoimmune hepatitis is looking for can be found on 3 pages in the book. Save your money and look up the Berkson protocol. The Berkson protocol is what she followed plus a macrobiotic diet.
  • Moms are the best, and Denise is at the top of the list- treating autoimmune diseases with drugs is a disgrace, especially for children. This book should be read by everyone (especially moms with chronically ill children) with an autoimmune or chronic disease. Drugs cause cancer and more illnesses - don't believe your doctors!
  • I purchased this book back in June. I read it within a few hours. It is well written, I felt all the emotions she was feeling and yes, I cried along with Denise. The doctors told me I had autoimmune hepatitis and the protocol is Prednisone and Imuran, (FOR A LIFETIME!) and when these drugs stop working then possible liver transplant. This is what had me researching the internet for alternatives when I found the book Curing Courtney.

    I've always done research be it for purchasing a TV, software for my computer, vitamin purchases and most definitely health issues throughout the years. Yes, I read what the manufacturer says about a product but then I search forums to see what real people are saying and sometimes I go back 10 to 20 pages on the search forums to find the real people talking. I didn't have to go that far to find Denise.

    I contacted Denise via her website curingcourtney.com telling her my diagnosis and hoping she was going to respond but doubtful. To my delight, I got a reply to my email within 48 hours from Denise. A real reply, not some robot reply. She is now a holistic coach and can be hired to help coach me to heal my body. I hired her.

    LET ME TELL YOU SHE DID IT! I refused all the medications and with her expert help we were able to reverse this and now my liver numbers are back to normal when I started AST was 260 and ALT was 511 both are now 30.

    It wasn't easy. It took 8 months. I had to learn a whole new way of life eating organic. Giving up foods that I thought I couldn't live without. I don't even miss those foods now. I am blessed to have found her and very thankful for all her expert advise.

    Purchase or download the book, you won't regret it!
  • Being diagnosed with AIH 2 days ago and having my dr tell me the typical protocol, I am searching for alternatives. For me, the natural approach has been the way I've lived my life for the past 15 years. I have no intention of stopping now. Your story is exactly what I needed to hear right now. Thank you Denise!
    Even today in 2017, there isn't a lot of information out there on autoimmune hepatitis. This book is well written, it is an easy read, and is filled with great information to further research on your own to see what is a good fit for you.
  • I had been looking and praying for answers to.my own problems and stumbled upon this book
    I immediately started the protocol
    my numbers fell so fast and furious that the allopathic doctors demanded repeated testing to believe their own eyes.
  • Becuase of this book I do not take any medication, I went from 600s level to 100s. I could be doing better but being a fully online student with a part time job I have a limited buget and busy life so something I forget to take the vitamins. I learn so much with this book.
  • I really enjoyed this book and could relate a lot to the author. I was hoping for more info on the protocol, in depth, instead of basically just one page. So happy for Courtney and her mom however...God is good!!!
